Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Not the Usual Heat Pack

12x4 inch Rice Filled Heat Pack
I made a heat pack today, but I did something I never usually do.  I filled it with rice.  Rice is not usually my choice for filling because  it doesn't usually smell as nice as corn (in my opinion), or stay warm as long when it is heated, so I have been very partial to corn.  But the corn pack I made today was out of the smoochiest material and smaller than the typical size bag I usually make, so I thought it needed a smaller grain to fill it with.  The feel of the smaller grain adds to the smoochy soft material. 

Maybe next time I will fill it with flax seed.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pillows! Pillows!

While digging around in my material box, I came across this silky soft, shaggy and red fabric. It was perfect for making this neck roll and neck pillow.  They are filled with a polyester filberfill.  The neck roll I gave to my mother for her birthday and she loved it!  She will get the neck pillow too, I just didn't have it ready on her birthday.  I was just a little untogether this year.  Sorry mom : )